Reflection Problem

Issue #25 new
Nickolay Erin Titov created an issue
x0 = np.linspace(-100 * um, 100 * um, 2048)
z0 = np.linspace(-100 * um, 100 * um, 2048)

wavelength = 5 * um
u0 = Scalar_source_X(x=x0, wavelength=wavelength)
u0.gauss_beam(A=1, x0=0 * um, z0=100 * um, w0=15 * um, theta=0 * degrees)

u1 = Scalar_mask_XZ(x=x0, z=z0, wavelength=wavelength, n_background=1)
u1.semi_plane(r0=(0, 0), refraction_index=1.5, angle=60 * degrees)

u1.draw(kind='phase', draw_borders=True)

When the degree is 45 reflection is very low I don’t think that it calculates accurately. Has any one faced this problem do you have any suggestions?

Comments (1)

  1. Christoph Leithold

    Hello, this is completely expected and nothing unusual. the reflected wave is not a forward propagating wave and the method is a unidirectional propagation scheme, it only knows about forward propagating waves.
    in other words the reflected wave has a kz of mostly 0

    you could tilt your whole system as a simple workaround.

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