Releasing Prisioner Not Working

Issue #2 resolved
fmxstick created an issue

[SERVER] 2013-01-05 04:29:51 [INFO] [Room101] fmxstick running: /rm101 free robdog49er [SERVER] 2013-01-05 04:29:51 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class Room101Listener' while calling hook: 'COMMAND'. [SERVER] java.lang.NullPointerException [SERVER] at [SERVER] at Room101Listener.onCommandFreePlayer( [SERVER] at Room101Listener.onCommand( [SERVER] at PluginLoader.callHook( [SERVER] at Player.command( [SERVER] at [SERVER] at ONetServerHandler.a( [SERVER] at OPacket3Chat.a(SourceFile:44) [SERVER] at OTcpConnection.b(SourceFile:349) [SERVER] at ONetServerHandler.d( [SERVER] at ONetworkListenThread.b(SourceFile:39) [SERVER] at ODedicatedServerListenThread.b(SourceFile:30) [SERVER] at OMinecraftServer.r( [SERVER] at ODedicatedServer.r(SourceFile:248) [SERVER] at OMinecraftServer.q( [SERVER] at [SERVER] at

Comments (8)

  1. fmxstick reporter

    the only way i got that player out of rm101 was by banning then unbanning him, xArches had originally put him there and not released him for some reason.

  2. fmxstick reporter

    [SERVER] 2013-01-05 04:44:45 [INFO] [Room101] fmxstick running: /rm101 free yabashiri [SERVER] 2013-01-05 04:44:45 [INFO] [Room101][Debug]Freeing player:yabashiri

    [SERVER] 2013-01-05 04:46:54 [INFO] [Room101] fmxstick running: /rm101 free yabashiri

    That is the usual way it releases online then offline fyi

  3. Tino Richter

    might be another bug or the same. While interrogating liharbe and lillharbe, both within like 10 seconds, i had to reload due to world not loading (most certainly unrelated though). A few seconds after someone restarted the server. After that rm101 free didn't work. Rm101 help contained odd character codes. Reloading the plugin helped.

  4. Tyler Waugh

    The odd halo'd A's are from an encoding issue and are fixed with the newer versions. If the server was ^c'd the prisoners list wouldn't be saved I think so when it reloaded they wouldn't be known to be in the prison so that makes sense. Were they in game at the time you tried to free them?

  5. Tino Richter

    tried to rm101 free liharbe when he finally got online again. Same "unkown command" message. Might be player related since Ellen's free guiseppe9 worked. Looks like freeing liharbe offline is working though.

  6. Tyler Waugh

    Offline free is buggy. It will release them from the block break restrictions but the teleport to remove them from the jail fails.

  7. Riot

    Has any progress been made on this? It would be nice to be able to release them; if Room101 can't do this internally, i could set up a system capable of teleporting them out (as long as they had their restrictions lifted). Either way this needs to have something done with it.

  8. Tino Richter

    It was working as long as the server didn't get rebooted between disconnect and reconnect of the player. Plugin tried using teleport on the then lost player instance what caused the nullpointerexception.

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