Improve feature: Redefine multisize/standard tables.

Issue #428 closed
Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner created an issue

Improve the current definition of multisize tables and how they are created.

Three different types of multisize tables have been identified by Valentina users:

  1. "Numbers" (does not use formulas or increments)
    Users enter measurement data without using formulas or increments. The user enters all measurement values.

  2. 'Increments'
    For each measurement in the base size, the user enters a value and an increment used in calculating the value in each successive size.

  3. 'Formulas' For each measurement in the base size, the user enters a value and a formula to calculate the value in each successive size.

Suggestion for creating multisize tables:

  1. Select Create new multisize table. Select directory, enter file name, Save
  2. Select a.) define sizes manually or b.) calculate set of sizes:
    2a. Manual: Enter each size (eg Small, Medium, Large)
    2b. Calculate: Enter a base (begin) size, end size, and step value. (eg begin=0, end=16, step=2 results in sizes [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16])
  3. Enter the Person type (eg Women, Men, Boys, Misses, Juniors, Babies, Toddlers, etc)
  4. Enter the unit (centimeter or inch or millimeter)
  5. Enter the Age type (eg '0 to 6 months', 'Over 55', 'Teenage') - optional
  6. Enter the Size type (eg Husky, Regular, Petite, Plus Size, etc.) - optional
  7. Enter a postfix to append to the sizes (eg 'R' for Regular as in "42R", 'H' for Husky as in "12H", 'P' for Petite as in "8P", etc.) - optional
  8. Enter a Clothing type (eg 'Outerwear', 'Lingerie', 'Trousers', 'Jackets', etc.) - optional
  9. Enter the reference (book/author/ISBN, or government publication/date) - optional
  10. Select the measurements from Valentina Known measurements or create custom measurements with Valentina Known measurements in formulas.
  11. Select the table type, and populate the table.
    11a. Numbers: For each size - For each measurement - Enter the value.
    11b. Increments: For the begin size - For each measurement - Enter the value and Enter the increment. Select 'Calculate' to fill out the remaining sizes.
    11c. Formulas: For the begin size - For each measurement - Enter the value and Enter the increment. Select 'Calculate' to fill out the remaining sizes.

Comments (23)

  1. Susan Spencer

    As discussed on the forum, the user also should have options for entering the sizes for the table. 1. Can enter minimum and maximum size, and the increment.
    2. Can enter each size individually, as for S,M,L,XL,XXL. 3. Can enter a postfix or prefix to append to the size, as for P (petite), R (regular), et 4. Can select the units for the measurements (centimeter, millimeter, inches)

  2. Susan Spencer

    There's a user meeting scheduled on Thursday July 20 to discuss the multisize table feature and how it should be improved. The results will be posted here for official approval, etc.

  3. Susan Spencer

    The users will discuss how they would like for the multisize tables to work for them. Users kmf & grace have encountered many difficulties in defining and applying the multisize tables, and have some ideas on how the multisize tables could be improved. Because there are multiple interconnected problems with multisize tables, they believe it would be efficient to submit one set of well-considered recommendations to address these problems.

  4. Susan Spencer

    I've updated the issue description to make it easier for the user meeting to determine what needs to be added, changed, etc.

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