New tool: Grainline in Detail mode

Issue #331 resolved
Susan Spencer created an issue

Create tool to add a Grainline to patternpieces in Detail mode.

This is essential information for cutting out fabric correctly.

Comments (49)

  1. Susan Spencer reporter


    The line doesn't have to extend to the edges of the pattern piece, just from arrow to arrow.

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Create tool to add a Grainline to patternpieces in Layout mode.

    Not in the Layout mode. In the Detail mode. The Layout mode doesn't allow any manipulation with workpieces. And also grain line will help us make new option "Layout for fabric". Right now we create a layout for sheet of paper. This mean you can rotate piece like you want.

  3. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    The line doesn't have to extend to the edges of the pattern piece, just from arrow to arrow.

    Then find correct picture, please.

  4. Susan Spencer reporter

    The Grainline Tool should allow a user to pick two points to use as end points of the grainline. The arrows at the end points do not need to re-size when the pattern is re-sized (when a new measurement file is selected) unless the pattern has been resized to be very small, like for a doll or pet. Seriously :D

  5. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    The Grainline Tool should allow a user to pick two points to use as end points of the grainline.

    Why so difficult? Why do you need points if you can just specifier an angle and move grainline where do you want it? Resize can be done the same way as with a label.

  6. Susan Spencer reporter

    Two points will resize the Grainline perfectly when the pattern is resized. The results will always be similar no matter which measurement file is selected. No text is required for the Grainline.

  7. Susan Spencer reporter

    This is easier on the user than having to fiddle with angles, etc, and moving it in Detail. If the user wants to move the Grainline they can move the points.

    It's not more work, it's less work because once the Grainline is defined with a Draw mode/Detail group/Grainline tool it doesn't have to be adjusted in Detail mode for each new client. So it's a total win.

  8. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Tell me more about your vision.

    • Two points where? Draw mode? As i see it, making control points is not really easy task. Especially because a workpiece can change shape dramatically. This is difficulty i want to avoid.
    • Do you know that current implementation of the tool Detail doesn't support setting anything except a main path. This is big issue of your proposal. Especially for person who will make this feature. Only after implementing internal path we could hope to have such mechanic.
    • Do you know that you can't select another control points if you need to change an angle. You need to create new workpiece from the scratch. Any user mistake or wish to change will be a big pain. Workpiece begin containing more and more information user will need to recreate in this case. And no, we can't change this. Because of complexity of the tool and supporting undo command.
    • Little bit about an angle of grainline. Grainline can have any angle. Finding control points for vertical and horizontal grainline is not so super hard, but what about other values?
  9. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    What i propose is much easy to develop.

    • No need to create any control points. So, no need to change the tool Detail. Because what i need is only an angle of grainline.
    • In the dialog an option show/hide grainline.
    • In the dialog one field with the angle value.
    • I like how Bojan handle labels, we could use this approach here. The same mechanic, except for rotating. Usually we know an angle and no need to seek good "position" by rotating.
    • Easy to change a grainline angle.
    • Yes, resizing is not so perfect as in your proposal, but still good enough.
    • Much, much easier to develop. All components and examples are here. This is also mean we can get this feature quick. If do as you propose i can't say how much time we will need.
    • If Bojan will do this task he already knows almost all he need to know about the code, especially because some parts of it he wrote himself.
  10. Susan Spencer reporter

    Okay then, sounds like you know how development should procede.

    You know thatText on Labels requires the user to manually review and correct the Label placement whenever a new measurement file is selected. This negatively impacts the automatic creation of patterns from the command line. I don't want a similar issue to occur with Grainlines.

  11. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    You know thatText on Labels requires the user to manually review and correct the Label placement whenever a new measurement file is selected.

    I know, but this is theoretically problem. Reality can be not so bad.

    This negatively impacts the automatic creation of patterns from the command line.

    Do you know someone who are using Valentina in this way? Just curious.

    I don't want a similar issue to occur with Grainlines.

    I understand, but right now our goal is to have good enough on first round solution.

  12. Susan Spencer reporter

    We have received several requests for Valentina to be used in this way. Remember They are why we have a command line utility.

  13. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    I remember, but since that time no one complained about this feature. One of two: all is right or no one use.

    Right now we use this feature for unit tests. Valentina opens file from collection. Not much, but something.

  14. Bojan Kverh

    I have a few questions: :)

    1. If I understand it correctly, grainline will be drawn in the Details tool?

    2. How many grainlines can be on a single detail?

    3. When angle is given for a grainline, how will the application determine, where is the starting point for this grainline and how far does it extend?

    4. Does the grainline have to be visible on Layout mode too?

  15. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    I have for you only several answers:

    1. Yes.
    2. 1.
    3. Use the same aproach as for a label. User will determine position and size.
    4. Yes, of couse.
  16. Bojan Kverh

    Thanks for your replies, yes I intend to do first the detail part. I would add new "Grainline" tab in the details dialog, with show/hide checkbox and angle input field. And on the detail, the grainline would look like on the uploaded screenshot (when selected to move or resize). Please check if I understood the problem right.


  17. Susan Spencer reporter

    Bojan, The user interaction for Grainline should be different than the Label tool. There should be a Grainline tab in Detail options, behind 'General' and 'Pattern Piece data' tabs. The user chooses a point as the 'start' point for the Grainline. The angle and length of the grainline can be given in a formula f(x) like point tool.

    It is very important that the user should define the grainline once, then should not have to adjust the Grainline position again no matter if the measurements are tiny or huge when generating new instances of the pattern.

  18. Bojan Kverh

    Roman, I implemented the grainline feature for the detail tool, please check if everything is as it should be (I created the pull request).

    I took the latest comments from Susan into account, when defining grainline length and rotation. However, the user can define a length formula, so that the grainline finishes outside the detail. In this case, should the detail dialog report the error and require to update the formula?

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