New Tool: Slash and Spread

Issue #128 resolved
Former user created an issue

Create function for Slash and Spread method of pattern making.

Comments (19)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Susan, Any update on how this could be done? I'm having to take it to inkscape to achieve this.

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Hi Peter,

    Did the Slash & Spread tool make it into v0.5.0?


    I have just downloaded loaded v0.5.0, sourced from xenial main but have been having trouble finding this tool.

    This ppa only for testing. This means sometimes we publish new build for testing. Soon i will make new.

    Am I missing something?

    Seek tool Rotation in section Operations.

  3. Susan Spencer

    If a point and line are created with Point from Distance and Angle tool, only the piont is rotated.


  4. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    If a point and line are created with Point from Distance and Angle tool, only the piont is rotated.

    Susan, this is not a bug. I made it on purpose. You can't rotate a tool. You rotate a point, an arc or a curve only.

  5. Susan Spencer

    So the line created by the Point from Distance and Angle isn't an object? I thought it was a separate object that can be referenced, as in Line_A_A1.

  6. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    So the line created by the Point from Distance and Angle isn't an object?

    Yes, something like this.

    I thought it was a separate object that can be referenced, as in Line_A_A1.

    It can be referenced even if it is not a separate object.

    You see lines as separate objects only when deal with formula. But for rotation no.

  7. NataliaTroitskaya

    Hi there! Still having trouble with rotation tool. Don't really get how it works..( And if it can be used for dart manipulation or Slash&Open for the comfortable fit. In attachment the photo from the book that shows exactly what I'm stack with. Hope there is a way to do it. Thanks in advance! C9E13FD9-5565-47A0-A42A-D8FCCAF9116F.jpg

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